Bow and Arrow rig

Hi everyone this is one of my favourite assignment because I love periodical stuffs more , so in this assignment I rigged a bow and arrow which I modelled by using  one of the bow i got in google search.

The rig requirements

*Bow as to bend and get back to it original shape as we pull the string
*Arrow spin and orientation
*Arrow must be able to move freely in the world, and also should go along with the bow, and also should able to stick with the string.

After the model is complete I placed joints accordingly and then used IK handles to get the bend then to make it interactive with the string i made clusters and added locators and made the locators as the parent of ik handles and the clusters present at both ends of the string and then I made connection between the cluster in the centre of the string and the the two locators using set driven method so when the string is pulled the bow bends accordingly. Then I created curves and constrained them so that we can control the movement of the sting and also bow using the control curves.

Then I created the arrow curve then gave the attributes like orientation and spin. For the orientation I used node editor and for the spin I used expression ediotor .

Then to make the bow having multiple parents I used Space switching method giving constrains and then making them one work at a time using set driven method so that we can control the parent with a attribute in arrow control. In this case bow as three parents world, bow and string.

And here is my outliner at the end

I also performed a test rig, here is the video

Thank you


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