Bouncing Ball animation

Hi everyone, this is my first ever 3D animation.  It was a very good experience to animate in 3D.  We got a ball which already rigged, which had a COG control, a transform control and two stretch and squash control, upper and lower. 

Then we first animated in y axis only up and down then we added the rotation after that we moved it to certian direction in z axis , then we went to graph editor and then by adding weight to the tangents and then breaking them and freeing them we edited the graph of transform control of y axis in such a way so that we can give slow in and slow out, the curve yo steep represent slow to fast where as the steep to curve represent fast to slow .  Then the ball had two stretch and squash control, upper and lower with the help of that we added stretch and squash then again we went  back to graph of both of them in y axis in graph editor and tweaked the graph to get the slow in and slow out. It was really tricky to work with the graph initially for the first time but gradually we got used to it.

Graph of transform control:

Translate X axis-

Translate Y axis-

Rotate Z-

Graph of upper stretch and squash control

Graph of lower stretch and squash control

here is the video

Thank you.


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