Ball Rig

Hi guys, here I am coming back after a long time with all my brand new assignments of my 4th sem.  This is my first assignment where we have make a ball by taking simple polygon sphere in Maya , texture it and then rig it such a way so that it can perform stretch and squash.

So I am just briefing how I am able to rig it, first create a polygon sphere and rename it as ball and then texture it.

After that I listed down my rig requirements.

My rig requirments are:

*  Stretch and squash control
* Transformation Control
* COG control

Then I came back to Maya , then I created three curves of basic shapes[ triangle, circle and cube] and then coloured it using a rig box then I renamed it.  After that I created a squash deformer for sphere and then aligned it in such a way that it could perform stretch and squash properly. Then I did a interactive stretch and squash control using set driven method.

I loaded the stretch  control curve as driver and the shape node of the deformer as driven. I made a link between translate y of the  triangular curve to factor of the deformer and keyed it. Then I created a group of ball and deformer and then I aim constrained it to the trianguoloar curve(Parent). Then I grouped the curve and ball group into one group and renamed it has ball group.

Then I took the translate curve(parent) and parent and scale constrained it to the ball group.  After the I made a group of of transformation curve and ball group and renamed it as transformation group.  Then I selected the COG curve(parent) and did parent and scale constrain to transformation group. finally this is how my outline looked after all these.

And I also did a test rig for the ball, a simple bounicng ball.

Thank you.


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